
Stay on top of your New Years Resolutions!

January is a time for New Year’s Resolutions, and for a lot of people that means being serious about their health and fitness. While joining the gym sounds like a fantastic idea at first, many people abandon their workouts rather quickly, because of failing to plan properly.

Workouts at the gym […]

By |January 13th, 2020|Awareness, Foot Pain, orthotics, Sports|0 Comments

Take A Minute to Read the Greens, and your feet!

Golfers: Don’t be handicapped with foot pain

As millions of avid golfers get ready for another season of pars and bogeys, they should be aware of potentially serious foot problems that can result from years of playing the game.

Although golf is not considered a rigorous sport, the physical act of repeatedly […]

By |March 26th, 2018|Sports|0 Comments

Running Season is here!

With the warm weather finally upon us, it’s time to lace them up and get back to running. Make sure that your feet are in good condition and that your shoes and orthotics are appropriate for you, to reduce your chances of injury. 

By |May 14th, 2017|Sports|0 Comments

Pan Am 2015

Well, today marks the end of the Pan Am Games in Toronto, and with it a very busy period for myself. For the duration of the games, I have been lucky to be one of the clinicians helping at the PolyClinic alongside some of the best and brightest doctors of […]

By |July 26th, 2015|Sports|0 Comments

CrossFit Injuries

CrossFit is the newest exercise trend and growing in popularity amongst many fitness conscious people, but what do we know about managing #CrossFit injuries? A detailed examination with emphasis on Podiatric injuries is discussed in this new article on Podiatry Today Online.

By |March 4th, 2015|Sports|0 Comments